Tuesday 11 October 2022

The Soothsayer Class

 Gazing into balls In a haze of misty weirdness, chuckling through pipe smoke, observing, and sometimes gutting, birds, brewing tea and being vague, do they even have powers at all? They don't look like they do much, yet things seem to go their way....


This is an experimental, somewhat conceptual class, based on an idea I had on the blog aaages ago; narrative wizard/old school fighter. A class in an old school bx-commons game where everyone else runs by normal old-school logic but one, a wizard, works via rules and patterns more familiar with what used to be called(?) 'story games'.

Essentially this would make the wizard character a kind of sub, or alter or co-DM for the game, able to introduce elements, shape the course of events, make some events more or less likely, or even certain or impossible.

Their spells, controlled by level and slot as the old Gygaxian master set down affect not the tactical situation, tactically they have the same options as an ordinary human, or a thief without skills, but are meant to interlace with the structure of the story of the game as it evolves. Quite literally changing fate

Some Basic Concepts;


Soothsayers, Haruspex and Fatemasters in general work to keep the nature of their powers secret and obscure. In many cases these powers can lose their effect if their nature is known. In others full knowledge of what they can do creates dangerous moral problems and difficult prophetic feedback effects.

As a general rule, consider this as a possibility; If the Soothsayer can cast the spell without either PCs or NPCs noticing, if takes effect. If anyone directly perceives the spell as a spell, then the targets must save vs spells against it.


Soothsayers start off knowing only one method of prediction. Roll randomly below. On each level gained roll again and if the result is already chosen, pick the closet adjacent available.

1. Examining Smoke from your own Pipe
2. Playing a Silver-Wired Guitar.
3. Casting Tarot Cards
4. Observing the flights of birds.
5. Reading the entrails of animals.
6. Reading Tea Leaves.
7. Observing the stars.
8. Reading palms.

Obviously if a Soothsayer can't obsere the stars or light their pipe they can't do their thing, and if they are known to be casting spells or reading fates then they might not work.


(these should be actually useful in low level adventures)

'Recall' the way - the Player can look at the DMs map for ten seconds.

"Seems like Troll country" - Player can look at the current encounter chart for ten seconds.

"You were meant to find it" - cast on a particular PC, the next time they search for a hidden thing that is present, they will find it, they need only look.

"Foolishly left unlocked" the next lock the Soothsayer tries will have been left unlocked.

"Curious Clouds today.." - the Soothsayer examines the clouds. The DM must roll or decide an extreme weather event, and how long it will last and communicate it secretly to the Soothsayer. This event will take place in d6 hours.

"Some suffer dark dreams" - Last night a single named individual whose name the PCs know, suffered painful nightmares in which the lowest-level PC figured strongly. Though they don't remember everything this individual will be troubled and frightened by this PC till they sleep again.

"A Message is on its Way" - For the next encounter. The next potential or actual foe of the PCs will receive a message which will radically change their behaviour. This will take place after 1 minutes of observation or conversation. If a fight breaks out the message will not reach them.


(what's the fatemaster equivalent to 'Fireball'?)

"The time is now" - Cast upon the PCs as a whole. When they next encounter an enemy, that enemies morale has already been damaged by previous events unknown to the PCs, in this case if forced to test morale, this foe will break automatically without a roll.

"Not by the hand... of man..." - The Soothsayer prophecies that, before the next dawn, one named individual known to them, shall not die, by one specific physical means. i.e. not by the blade, not by the 'hand of man', not by poison, not by spellcraft'. This prediction becomes true though it refers only to death and not any similar status like mutilation, petrification, madness, etc. The Soothplayer must use the simplest possible descriptor for that physical means. The DM can ask for a more specific wording if the Soothplayer uses "by violence" or something like that.

Unholy Knowledge - Through a foul and disturbing ritual which must not be observed, the  Soothsayer discovers a hidden truth. The Soothplayer can write a single question on a note and pass it to the DM. The DM writes a note back and MUST answer honestly, though they are free to be terse. If the  character OR Soothplayer ever directly or specifically mentions what they have learned from that answer the DM is allowed to change the truth of it. 

"it carries a shared doom" - Can be cast a weapon, arrow, tool etc when 'found'. It cannot be cast on a weapon the party already holds. This weapon is fated to kill a particular, named opponent whom the party has encountered already. IF they fight using this weapon then it will always hit and always wound to the greatest damage possible against this one, singular opponent. However, if lost, dropped, fumbled or in any way turned against the wielder, it will do the same to them.


Their Fate is Set - during the NEXT encounter one named enemy will suffer the maximum damage from any successful attack.

"They shall not prevail" - during the next combat encounter, the enemies of the PCs will not win. If the PCs prevail 'normally', no action need be taken. However, if the PCs are 'losing' this encounter, the DM may intercede to make sure the enemy of the PCs does not "win". The means and method by which they do this are entirely up to the pleasure of the DM.

"Your goal is near" - Is 'cast' upon a single PC with the focus of one single, particular physical goal of that PC. The DM must inform the Soothplayer exactly where it is and what stands between the PC and their goal. The Soothsayer, and Soothplayer, may communicate this to the PC once, verbally, and ONLY in the form of poetic rhyme. If the Soothsayer or Soothplayer communicates the same information in any other way at any time, the DM may change the details referred to.

Prophecy - the Soothsayer makes a Nostrodamus-style prophecy. A prophecy is made up of an object or identity, an action or situation and a result and reads something like; "when the king of crows swims in wine, the mage shall fall". the Soothplayer takes three pieces of paper. They keep one for themselves, give one to the DM and one to another player. The Soothplayer can decide who writes which element, i.e. "I will write the result, you Jack write the object or person and you DM write the action or incident", but they cannot control _what_ each individual writes, and none of them can reveal what they are writing to each other during this process. Each individual then hands back thier slip to the Soothplayer who reveals them. The Soothplayer then may combine each of these elements in a single sentence with no punctuation - this sentence is then TRUE for this campaign until its prophecy is fulfilled.


  1. I've blogged about this kind of idea before as well! It was so long ago I don't even know what posts it would be anymore lol, but ya I've always loved this idea of treating magic as narrativistic and it just seems like a kind of ludonarrative consonance that can only be done with tabletop. I don't really play "elf-game"-style games anymore but if I did I'd probably fuck with this.

    Maybe my only criticism of this is that the spells feel more like meta-abilities than narrativistic in nature, or at least up until the high level spells.

    Ok I found one of the posts where I did something kind of similar- I'm pretty sure this isn't the only one. In this case it was more for NPCs than for a PC, but this kind of logic: https://weirdwonderfulworlds.blogspot.com/2019/10/terrible-awesome-sorcerers.html

    But anyway I like the framework here, I realize this is just a proof of concept.

  2. It is interesting tightrope walking between controlling future events and being misled by them.
    From what I understand the rest of actual DnD abilities of Soothsayer is like of fighter?

    1. More like a Thief or similar unarmoured class. I was imagining them as being generally quite 'soft'.

  3. I've always wondered how to incorporate omens and such things in a meaningful way, when players and dice muck up your control of the narrative. This may just work. I like it.

  4. I love the idea and most of the spells (not a huge fan of the 10 second lookers personally). I think a spell that would fit this class perfectly would be the Deus ex machina, and it could be flavoured perfectly for all 3 levels of spells. Maybe your in a "boss room" and need to escape. A high level cast of DEM would summon giant eagles LOTR-style, whereas a low level cast could give the soothsayer a simple tool for distraction like a smoke bomb. Being a Deus ex machina though I would leave it up to the dm to decide the actual outcome based on the spell level.

    1. Yes the relationship between the Soothplayer and the DM is the most potentially fruitful in terms of rules and results. The idea of some kind of if/then or and/then sequence interrupting or altering the flow of events.

  5. This is making me sick just looking at it. It is fortunate this will probably not be played.

    As a variant wizard class this has some dim hopes but I see little to differentiate it from a dozen such concepts put forth in the likes of Dragon or White Dwarf. Most of these spells very closely resemble those already available in AD&D. The remainder is analogous to an infection or cancerous growth in the normally efficacious story-gaming free structure of the game of DnD and should be treated as such.

    1. Patrick this is probably the best signal you could have received that you're on the right track lol.

  6. a mid-level spell that changed the random encounter tables might work. you could increase the chance of meeting someone/something, move past a big threat, nudge a big threat towards _someone else_, etc.

  7. You would be well served in such endeavours of game designing by reading the wuxia RPG Legends of the Wulin.
