Saturday, 28 July 2012

The AntiRaggi

So calm, so good. You'd leave your children with him if you went to the shops. If he stayed the night over you'd find him doing the washing up in the morning.

Whenever I hear Vincent Baker in a podcast or see him explain something in one of these videos I always get the impression that if you asked him if he wanted Brown sauce or Tomato he would purse his lips, look down and to the right for a second, nod, and say 

"That.. that's a really interesting question. Thanks. Thanks for bringing that up. You've really shown me a new side to this. I'm going to think about that."

Then a week later he releases a hyper-focused pdf-only rpg where Genghis Khan has to choose between brown or red sauce and the decision changes the future of the whole world and you play the sauce but you are also in the future betting on the outcome. It would be called Sauceoscope. The Forge would love it. Knowing the rules would get you laid at Gencon.

I really really liked Apocalypse World, which he made, and I really really like LOTFP, which it's for, so if anyone out there feels the same and you have $20.00 to spare go and fund his Wizard Tower thing here-

I want to play in that goddammn wizards tower so bad!! Even I spent 20.00 on it and I am a fucking prole with a part time job.

ITS BASED ON JACK VANCE! YOU ALL LIKE JACK VANCE DON'T YOU NERDS? Come on, some of you have real jobs and lives and stuff. You can afford this.


  1. I was looking at that earlier and noticed your face staring back out at me from the list of backers. This hobby is like the tiniest world ever.

  2. People> playing games> playing games round a table> playing RPG's> D&D> Old School D&D> Old School D&D with horrific VaginaMonsters and Full Colour DeathSex in the central pages> doesn't mind (or enjoys) vaginamonsters and also likes hippy games.

    If its over a thousand people I'd be surprised.

  3. It does sound quite interesting... At this point there's $1600 to raise with two and a half days to go... I'm tempted, but have funded more RPG things than I know what to do with from Kickstarter in the last few months!

  4. I've just funded it too on the $10 level; on G+ Baker said that in order to try and get it over the $6000 mark new funders would get to pick one of his previous games for free pdf download. Don't have Murderous Ghosts so seems like a fair deal!

    1. I'm glad you went for it, but I'm worried I might be feeding your kickstarter addiction.

    2. "But what can I get for $20?! Huh, huh? Is it better?!"

      Using one of the RPG resources I got from a previous Kickstarter to prepare a 1930s Depression-era/Cyberpunk 2020 hack game for (hopefully) in the autumn.

  5. You know, if I woulda seen this post, I woulda bought in.

    1. Thats ok, ti funded anyway so you can buy it when it comes out.
