Thursday 29 October 2020


You must not dance with men of bones,
Do not go with them to their homes.

At night they rise to leap and play,
And will not dance in light of day.

Of bones they are and bones they keep,
They'll dance with yours to make them leap!

Of bones they are and bones they want,
Don't ask to stop, because they won't!

Of bones they are and yours will move,
They wriggle out and start to groove!

Of bones they are, so pale and thin,
They leave you as a bag of skin!

You must not dance with bony men,
So grab your bones and keep them in!


I guess I could write more about Men-Of-Bones but nothing else is going to get the point across better.

Simple enough, here is a breakdown of all the Goose-Gold and Goblins posts so far;


  1. Okay those are proper horrifying...

  2. That char gen link doesn't seem to go anywhere
