Thursday 4 April 2019

Spire of Quetzel is Available

A while ago I did an adventure for Fria Ligans 'Forbidden Lands' Kickstarter.

That ended up in a book with a bunch of other OSR and OSR-adjacent creators;

Ben Milton did Hexenwald.

Chris McDowall did The Bright Vault.

And Karl Stjernberg did 'Graveyard of Thunder'

Well that book is now available for sale separately, if you were not a backer of the Kickstarter.

Fancy Hardcover here;

PDF here;


  1. Great cover. And great titles for the adventures!

  2. Yesss I've been waiting for this news!

  3. Hey, what's this gonna be like, and do you recommend the game system?
    I mean you wrote for it, so you probably don't hate it, the game system that is. I know what the blurb for the book says, but I wonder what kind of vibe, and style of adventure I'd be in for if I bought this. It seems really interesting, and did the part you wrote get title billing? Nice!

    1. Iii honestly don't know. I only dug into it enough to write the adventure, and Fria Ligan did the stats I think, and it was written about a year ago. Apologies.
