Monday 15 April 2019

Fire on the Velvet Horizon Product Update

Good News Everyone!

Fire on the Velvet Horizon, that hipster Monster Manual that China Mieville liked

"Superpositioning with strange panache, Velvet Horizon is an (outstanding) indie role-playing-game supplement, and an (outstanding) example of experimental quasi-/meta-/sur-/kata-fiction. Also a work of art. Easily one of my standout books of 2015." - China Mieville

Ben Milton did a Review-

And we have added the following backmatter, previously only available in the Luxury Peecho edition, to ALL editions;

  • Blastitsu: an Introduction, Curseling Riddles,
  • Command Structure of the Navarch of Acht,
  • Report on the Palace of Iksladzord (partialy redacted),
  • Play fragment from the Nightmare Sea,
  • An Announcement from the Judge Who's Court is the Air, Lord of the Pathless World.
  • Dust Storm falling with Dusk - a view from Quarst
  • The Wyrm Rise - depiction of the Eochian Wyrm

Now exists in three Print on Demand formats of varying cost and quality. Which, for us, is actually a careful rationalisation of what we were already doing.

Cheapest is;

Shameful Beast Edition

From Lulu. A perfectly reasonable and normal book for reasonable normal people. 

 And its fine. 

Softcover. If you rolled it up you could defend yourself like Jason Bourne.

Lulu print quality.

SHOULD BE - about $35.00 AMERICAN. That's U.S. dollars, but check because stuff moves around based on relative currencies.

Slightly Better is....

Fuse Meister Edition

From Drivethru. A somewhat fancy and robust book in an American size.

This has all the monsters and all the pages from the original edition. 

And its U.S. Letter size, so a little shorter and fatter than the A4 version. 

Its in Hardcover.

Drivethru's highest possible print quality.

The paper is thicker, the blacks are blacker, you could crush a Trachea with it.

SHOULD BE - about $39.99 AMERICAN. That's U.S. dollars, but check because stuff moves around based on relative currencies.

And, from the False Machine Publishing store you can access all the other stuff we have up, like the new Silent Titans PDF, the very old Deep Carbon Observatory, and hopefully new stuff coming over the (next several) year(s)

For those of Means we have....

Eochian Wyrm Edition

From Peecho, a site which usually does fancy photo books.

Like the Drivethru Fusemeister version, this has all the monsters and all the pages from the original edition. 
AND its in A4 size, tall and lean.

And its in Hardcover.

Its on thick, glossed photography-quality paper.

The blacks are so goddamn black you could drown in them.

It is a thick, heavy product of unsurpassed quality.

SHOULD BE - about $50.00 AMERICAN. That's U.S. dollars, but check because stuff moves around based on relative currencies.

Enjoy Peechos strange user interface.

Remember we did a trailer for this? Well we did. Here it is;

And, as always;

We are sorry about the text being a nightmare to read.

If you buy a version and have trouble reading it,  contact us -

And we will send you a full text version.

Plus we are working on a plaintext PDF to be free with the Drivethru and PWYW on there.


  1. That's awesome news, thanks for the update! I've been putting off getting it till I can get some extra scratch together for it, looks like it's a good thing I did!

  2. I like the idea of a plaintext pdf supplement. Is there any chance that the backmatter being added to the books will be added into the pdf version of the book made available in that bundle a few years ago, or made available as a separate pdf for people who own the original pdf or physical book?

    1. We will not be adding the backmatter available outside these and future editions.

  3. Jesus, I can actually _see_ the wyrm on the front cover... on mine, it's so blended as you be abstract; I still loved it though.
